Kamis, 25 Desember 2008

Merry Xmas...

Christmas is not about what we can get but about what we can give..
Like God give his only child, Jesus Christ, to save all of us..
popole wish
Sung Tan Chuk Ha to mint, blink and choco
Shinnen Omedeto Kurisumasu Omedeto to aoi and yuu
Noeliniz Ve Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun to bomba
*hahahaha, khusus bomba g cariin bhs turkinya slmat natal, ga nyangka ad nama g disebut, wekeke..
have a wonderful Xmas yaa meski tak smua merayakan.. n_n

4 komentar:

Blink mengatakan...

Merry xmaz too, saranghaneun mint choco pole bomba aoi Yuuki ^^ mizz u all... eh tlpn mint pas taun baru yuu bs rame2 ga ya?? haha rahasia ya dy ga bc kan?? hahahaha

Anonim mengatakan...

emank bisa tlpn k sono...
Setau g gx dpt sinyal dah di sono..
kecuali telkomsel..

LeLiJoLiJoLiYe mengatakan...

hoo... hpny ga nyala jg kali ya?? g pena sms tp failed..

LeLiJoLiJoLiYe mengatakan...

hayooo ktawaaann
ayo coba2 tlp aja kl bs.. hihihi..
no saya ad di yuuki
ga dpt sinyal im3 dsni.. jd pk no hk de..
